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Homage Episode 43: Beth Blakey

It’s rare in my world to run across people who are making an impact in so many facets of life. Some folks come into my life and they become good friends. Some come into my life and become amazing mentors. Some come into my life as exceptional peers and we’re running parallel paths in our profession or parenting. Not often do I come across a human being who is doing so much for so many…and frankly asking nothing in return. Beth Blakey happens to be this rare human being and I am so thankful to have met her about a year and a half ago. You see…Beth is the Executive Director & Chief Operating Officer of Cancer Hope Network and holy moly, Beth has made it her mission to change lives and make a positive impact in the world.

From Day 1, I was amazed by her intensity and motivation to make sure lives were changed. As a caregiver, Beth knew firsthand the impact that cancer had on herself and her family and since I’ve known her has dedicated so much of her time and energy to furthering the mission of Cancer Hope Network. You can tell when you speak to Beth that it’s a part of her DNA. The passion and grace with which she speaks about this organization and those she works with will come through when you watch this Homage. It’s truly remarkable.

To speak about Beth, the person is also just spectacular. My hope when you watch this Homage is to see Beth as she comes through on the video. What you see is exactly what you get. Beth is kind and compassionate…yet you can really feel the fire that burns inside when you listen to what she has to say. I am grateful that we crossed paths at the end of 2022 (as we have communicated over the last year and a half, it’s funny how many peers in our network are connected)…this has made the relationship more fun. We speak to a lot of the same people in NJ and for me, I aspire to do 1/2 of the good work that Beth is doing on the daily. Beth, if you take nothing else away from this podcast experience, know that I stand in awe of how hard you work to help others and it’s a true representation of who you are as a wife, mom, daughter and professional. Truly inspiring to so many…keep up the fantastic work!

To close, Beth, this Homage is yours! I am blessed to call you a friend and peer. Your work on behalf of Cancer Hope Network is remarkable and just based off where you’ve taken the organization since the beginning of 2022…I can’t wait to see where it’s headed in the future. For those that would love to learn more about Cancer Hope Network and the work Beth is doing to help lead the organization, you can find it here ( You’ll see that they’re doing awesome work in their community with those struggling with cancer. Beth Blakey, thank you for being you and looking forward to continued success in your future endeavors. You rock!


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