Homage Episode 22: Jason Ellinger

Jay…holy smokes, where has the time gone? I can still remember you and Matt coming into the office with your business plan and everything in front of you both. There was passion, there was grit, and there was so much spirit to changing the game. That was the joy of watching you guys…and look now, you never wavered. There have been some tough moments (notably a two-year pandemic that no one saw coming)…but meh, you said, “Covid What?!?” I have such tremendous respect and regard for how much you’ve grown as a businessman…but most notably, you’ve never lost that compassionate spirit that makes you so special, bro. I am sitting here writing this with so much gratitude and respect for what you’ve accomplished and all the folks you’ve helped along the way.

I am grateful to you for taking the time to sit down with me to “speak this Homage into existence.” It’s a special one for sure. The one thing I do know is that when Jason Ellinger gets involved in something…HE’S ALL IN! Since I’ve known you over the past 6 or so years, things are definitely never dull, my friend. You have a knack for “bringing the fun” to everything we’re a part of together — EVEN THAT TIME YOU HAD A BUNCH OF US DO 6 POSTS A DAY ON LINKEDIN FOR AN ENTIRE WEEK (which I lasted two days on) as an experiment. You remember that hombre…yeah, that was awesome.


My friend, I am so amped to watch you continue your journey and building Beard and Bowler. You are a special talent, homey and watching you pay it forward to help those in the non-profit world share their stories is an absolute blast. You bring these folks and their organizations to life, helping them propel forward in their missions. Jay, there is no nobler cause dude.

Continue to pave the way for those coming after you. Continue being generous with your time and resources. Continue growing as a husband and father. Stay rad my brother…I admire you immensely. This homage is yours, and I am thankful to call you brother.


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